
Wussten Sie, dass mitten im Zweiten Weltkrieg eine Europäische Union gegründet wurde? So nannte sich die Widerstandsgruppe um Paul Rentsch, Georg Groscurth, Herbert Richter und Robert Havemann (1910-1982). Am 15. Juli 1943 gipfelte ihr Zusammentun ab dem ersten Kriegsjahr in dieser mutigen Neugründung im Bombenkrieg ausgesetzten Berlin. Die E.U....



One year after the unprecedented massacre of Babi Yar, the village population of Kortelisy was slaughtered. Westerners' culture of remembrance was shaped by "Lidice and Oradour-sur-Glane".

In September 1936, as the Nazi Party had been in power since three-and-a-half years, former British PM David Lloyd George, the secret leader of the 1919 Paris Conference and the evil genius of the Versailles diktat, went on a nearly month-long visit to Germany.

Seit dem Ende des ersten Jahrhundertgedenkens 2014 – 2019, dessen Abschlussjahr in Europa spärlich begangen wurde, enthalten die Webseiten des Weimarer Republik e.V. (siehe Bild) eine Liste der Kanzler der ersten deutschen Republik.



According to the splendid eyewitness report from 1940 (!), a window for diktat revision was opened in the economic crisis year 1931.(1) Who or what declined on it?

On 11 August 1929, the German republic turned ten (1919 – 1929). The roaring twenties would soon end in a Paris/Versailles precooked tragedy. Did Germans celebrate the Weimar jubilee?



At first sight, the story of the first NSDAP-mayor does not seem interesting. Who cares about the effort. Obviously, Mr Franz Schwede would be followed by many more.

In the eight year of the Versailles order, the League Against Imperialism was founded. This organisation was obviously a reaction to the 🇬🇧-led League of Nations.(1) In 1918, United States President Woodrow Wilson provided the idea for the "League of Versailles", as it would not be positively termed by the League seat-hosting Swiss: Bund von...

Bleak league


Seven years after the stillborn League of Nations, the Entente authors of the Versailles diktat stage the accession of the Weimar Republic as a member. Welcome with the club! Formally, Germany's membership means the end of its exclusivity.

Knowledge of Belgian-French occupations of Western Germany seems to be widespread. Particularly, because this "inversed Alsace-Lorraine" history covered both sides of the Rhine. In order to understand Germany's manifold grievances, the British occupation should be taken a close look at. It lasted longer than the world war.

The commission intends to celebrate its first lustrum (March 19th, 2025) with a book publication. This bilingual anthology will be published with an academically renowned house.

At our first symposium, January 25, 2021, we launched the call for the establishment of a new common commemorative day: Let us celebrate and commemorate "a century of decolonisation", in German: die Hundertjahrfeier der Entkolonialisierung. On December 15, 2021, the call was submitted to the Conference on the Future of Europe.

An extended English-language transcript of the Aufa💯 founding manifesto is expected to be published in an academic journal. De Bourgraaf's "Vice Versa Versailles. Europe's The Sleeping Beauty" manuscript was peer-reviewed on both sides of the big pond.

An account of both the African and decolonised Germany's perspectives after five years of "good [if not better] colonialism". In other words, the Western story of a good master following bad one

In contrast to the Rhine, the Danube was divided into East and West. Around its basin and on its shores, the contours of a new Europe are growing ever more visible. Never forget: Brussels is not Europe. (German title: „Das hundertjährige Friedenslegat der Habsburger“)

On from the dramatical beginnings at the Paris Conference, a virtual return to the casus belli 1914–1918 was brought into being. In this essay this hypothesis is being approached from the contemporary's literary point of view.

Vorveröffentlichung De Bourgraafs Artikel. Horrorszenario eines „zweiten Weimars“? Wenn ja, klingt die Vokabel so vermessen wie „Europa“, wenn die Europäische Union gemeint wird. Die These wäre, dass sich seit dreißig Jahren ein „zweites Versailles“ anbahnt.

28 June 1919, the fifth anniversary of the Austrian archduke's violent death in Sarajevo, the second half of the afternoon in Versailles, France. It is rightfully known to many, in which contemporaries cannot be distinguished from later generations, that Germany's summoned delegation consisting of two men was guided to enter the Hall of Mirrors in...